Producer Groups
One time grant to Existing Producer Groups
Producers who are primarily engaged in farm, off farm and non- farm sectors that are already identified and mobilized into Enterprise groups (EGs). EGs are a group of members having joint ownership and control over the business activities with shared profit and loss. PGs are a group of producers engaged in a commodity/subsector in a village who come together for aggregation, productivity enhancement and other collective actions.
Nature of Support:
This will be one-time capital grant to existing PGs up to a maximum of Rs.1,50,000 per PG. Funds will be disbursed based on actual requirement and demand, should not be a fixed amount as the requirement and demand should be varied /different based on nature of commodity/ sub sector and size of the group.
Our Targets
Estimates of Coverage & Targets
No. of Producer groups (2 PG per 5 villages)
Per Producer group support
Expected Households to be covered:
Rupees Per Household average fund support
Crores Total Estimate Budget
Required documents
- An application form with a request to receive the fund
- Activity Plan
- Copy of bank pass book
- List of officer bearers
- If the PG has availed loans from banks or from any other sources should have good track of loan repayment. (Check pass book for transaction)