Individual Beneficiaries
Individual Beneficiaries
Individual enterprises are promoted through the Project through Covid Assistance Package, Matching Grant Programme and support for complying with statutory compliances through the Project’s One Stop Facilitation Centres.
Nano Enterprises Financing Fund (NEFF)
Nano Enterprises Financing Fund (NEFF) is exclusively designed for the purpose of supporting new and existing enterprises with the repayment available within the Panchayat Level Federations (PLFs) and Village Poverty Reduction Committee (VPRC). The repayment available in the PLF and VPRC is pooled together under PLF and it is called as Nano Enterprise Financing Fund (NEFF). It will be managed by PLFs and will be available to support existing and new individual enterprises run by the SHG member / household for creating a level playing field for these entrepreneurs in SHG households to access enterprise financing for productive purposes.
The proposed Nano Enterprises Financing Fund (NEFF) will follow the principles of lending pathways of existing PLF and VPRC mechanisms in selection of entrepreneurs, assessment, documentation and release of funds.